
Colour-ringed Curlew in Pembrokeshire

Rob Lewis photographed a colour-ringed Curlew on 17 July 2021 at Angle Bay, Pembrokeshire. This would be reported as: “Black ring with 24 in white, reading up on right tibia, metal ring on right tarsus: unengraved orange ring on left tibia, no rings on left tarsus”.  Note that 24 might […]

Shropshire ringed Curlew in France

Thank you to Tony Cross of the Mid-Wales Ringing Group, for permission to publish this item from their blog. The full blog is here: On 10th July 2021 Pierre Leon photographed Curlew Yellow ZB on the shore of Plage du Vogue, Guisseny,  France. This bird was caught and ringed […]

Curlew Forum Meeting 24.03.21 (by Zoom)

Chair: Mike Smart 35 participants ITEM 1: Curlew Recovery Partnership, Mary Colwell & Russ Wynn Steering group of nine organisations in England: BTO, RSPB, GWCT, Bolton Castle Estate, Duchy of Cornwall, Curlew Country, Natural England, WWT, Curlew Action Defra supplied £60,000 seed funding Mary = Chair, Russ = Partnership Manager […]